Here are phase noise plots for four different
high quality 10 MHz
oscillators. The best performer is the Ovenaire ovenized crystal
oscillator (OCXO).
The Flex-Radio SDR1000 requires a reference
clock running at 200
MHz. When multiplying the frequency of an oscillator the phase
noise degrades by 20log(N). Where N is the multiplication factor.
Multiplying a 10 MHz reference to 200 MHz degrades phase noise
by 26dB. Figure 2 shows the measurements normalized to 200
MHz by adding 26dB.
Close in phase noise limits a receivers ability
to detect a weak
signal in the presence of a very large nearby signal. Such as an
S9 +50dB signal 100 Hz away from an S2 signal. Farther out
phase noise (at the IF or detection frequency), may limit overall
receive sensitivity.
Here you can see the 200 MHz VF161 SDR
reference clock compared
to the normalized 10 MHz oscillators. Figure 4 shows that past 900
Hz the VF161 phase noise performance is as good a $500 OCXO.
The VF161 performance is much better than I anticipated. Hats off
to Gerald for selecting such a clean oscillator!
Copyright 2006
John Eckert
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